I can't knit anything that requires:
1. Concentration
2. Counting
3. Thinking
4. Logic
5. Skills
6. Speed
7. Accuracy
8. Gauge
9. Stitch Uniformity
10.No Drool
So...hence, Scarves. Ridiculous, but true. Right now, 8 days after the Massacre, I can only knit scarves. (Disgusted look on face). But I can not cry anymore. To quote wise Penny, "There are only so many tears in a person's body" ( I paraphrase ). So, since I cannot cry anymore, without seeming like a lunatic, the fire has been lit under me to act. And act fast. Everyone wants and needs to help the Hokie Community. So many people and organizations need to feel like they are doing something productive and contributing to the healing process. But what to do? Hokie Healing, for one, with over 15 Yarn Venders donating yarn for us to give out to students to knit squares. All the wonderful folks who have decided to knit squares for the blankets for the victim's families,and next, shhhhhhh, it's a secret. Please don't breathe a word of this to anyone... Hokie Knitta Please!
In the dark of night, we will wrap our town in hokie colored knitted stuff...around lamp posts, benches, signs...I think we will get in trouble. But I can't wait.
I'd like to wrap up Blacksburg in Hokie Knitted stuff instead of it being wrapped in yellow police tape. I'll be knitting long into the night tonight. Scarves, of course. Peace out.