Just wondering if ya'll thought I should grow my hair out again? Or am I too old? Long hair on a haggard face is not a pretty sight. The top photo taken today(I am wearing a wig) seems perfect for the cover of my music CD due to be released next spring entitled "Long Haired Knitter Grrl". But wait! I almost forgot! This is your next contest! You need to rename my CD, Tony at Sony isn't wild about my choice! The best name wins...2 skeins of Koigu! The most delicious hand painted hanks of goodness. Good luck, Knitter Grrls or Boyz!
Oh, and don't forget to vote on whether I should grow my hair out or not!

Botox? Face lift?

Speaking of long hair, Bfriend wants to cut his...he feels like Deedee of the Doodlebops.

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