In a spectacular effort to buy back Darry's undying and adoring love, I bought the entire Sublime collection. It got shipped yesterday. I have no earthly idea where it will go. I have no space for it. And I mean, I have no space for it. All day long, I begged customers to go in the back and buy bags of it...some did, some laughed at me. I was grateful that they bought anything at made more room. Any little bit gone helps the issue. I wanted to give big bear hugs to any one buying anything! Yipes. Thats when you know your ego got the better of you. The yarn is fabulous. But I sell other stuff too, for Gosh's sake!
I am in so much trouble! (rubbing temples, eyes bulging). I think I need to have a sale! I definately need to call and get more glass shelves shipped ASAP! Breathe, Gina, breathe! At this moment, I need to think of pretty the Amaryllis in my dining room...
The slice of Blood orange about to go into my Cranberry/pomegranite,Vodka drink...who's self medicating? Not I ! Never!
Cajun food...Okra, rice and gravy, Maquechu (made-up cajun word), I want to slather my body in the stuff...
But all roads lead back to the nightmare that is TOO MUCH YARN! Kill me now. There, I said it. It is possible, Ladies and Gents, to have too much yarn (unless you get it for free).
Here is the direct red batphone 540-961-gina. (not 867-5309) Call me, buy some Sublime, I will personally deliver it to your door with a plate of cookies and a basket of kittens or puppies (your choice). You can choose to not have the animals. I'll understand. If you live more than 12 hours from me and don't have a pool in your backyard or skiing, I'll ship it to you for free. Minus the animals but with cookies.
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